Tonight, we caught this moment:
Cobie and Riley, curled up in Cobie's bed. Granted only for a few minutes, but they BOTH were loving it! Cobie graduated from her "Puppy Preschool" class today. She did SO good on her "final exam". She passed it without any problems. I have been working with Misty some, while working with Cobie as well, and she is making (slow) progress. She too, went to Puppy Preschool, but well, she isn't as motivated to be obedient. Cobie however, she wants to please ALL the time. And THAT is what makes Golden Retrievers the best dogs! I have a feeling that sneaky elf Pistachio is reporting good things about them back to Santa as well, and their stocking will likely have lots of neat goodies in it. Hopefully, nothing with stuffing though, because Misty rips the stuffing out of toys right away, which means I get to clean up stuffing.
Anyway...back to tonight...Cobie curled up with Riley until we made her leave and come back to adult supervision land with us. And what did Riley do? He grabbed right on to her collar to keep her with him!

1 comment:
A sweet Riley with a cute dog named Cobie. Love, Pauline
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