Travis is on the Pirates this season. We have played 3 games so far, and have won each of them. Travis plays 3rd base, and helps out with the catcher position as needed. He is doing a GREAT job and has made some really good plays so far. As always, watching him play is one of my favorite things to do. Its been kind of miserable so far though, as every game has been colder and the wind has been blowing strong. Riley yells out "Go Travis" at random times, and at random players, which makes the other people laugh. He also repeats things the umpire yells out over and over (heeeee's SAFE! heeee's OUT! Steeeeeeee-RIKE!).
His little arms look like toothpicks. How he can swing the bat or throw from 3rd base to 1st is a wonder to me with those skinny arms.
He is very proud to be a pirate.
He looks like the real deal, right?
Actually, he's pretty skinny all over!

Looking sharp in that baseball outfit! Go Travis! Love, Pauline
Love that baseball player!! Travis, we're so proud of you! Love, Debbie, Gary, and Annaleigh
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