Wednesday, January 6, 2010

15 months!

I'm technically 6 days late with this post. I was waiting for Riley to have his dr appointment to make it.

At 15 months, Riley:

  • weight: 22lbs10oz which is the 25th percentile. That number is AMAZING for him.
  • height: 31 inches (50th percentile)
  • is now WALKING! He does this with his hands up over his head. You can tell, it takes lots of concentration on his part, but he's doing it!
  • can say a whole bunch of words, the newest being doggy. and there is lots of jibber jabber going on as well.
  • is  trying desperately to be independent and feed himself with a spoon. We let him try, but as you can see below, its messy.
  • loves to climb up his new kangaroo climber toy. He likes to climb up the slide, stand up on the little platform, climb over the edge to the outside of it, climb back inside, hold onto the arch above the slide, flop on his bottom and slide down. and then repeat that process, over and over and over again.
  • is a milk drinking machine. Some days, we have to actually discourage his milk intake so that it doesn't displace his eating solids. Never thought that would happen. We ALWAYS struggled to get him to drink the bare minimum amount of formula/milk previously. As in, we were always on the verge of him not consuming enough, just for simple hydration, not to mention growth.
  • will eat all sorts of complex foods like chili, spaghetti, and as you see below, some brunswick stew. But diced fruits? Not so much. Pureed, yes, diced? No. That includes diced carrots and peas. Once in awhile we have some success, but not often, yet.
  • LOVES mega blocks, and builds with them, trucks and anything he can stand up and push. This includes dining chairs, stools, Misty's crate, toys and people's legs.
  • spends most of his meals saying "more more more" and/or "mine mine mine" to get more food/different food/or milk. If its on the table, it should be on his tray and he can be seen surveying what everyone else has. Nothing slips past him!

MMM brunswick stew!

And applesauce!

Not as successful with the applesauce! (he was actually busted holding up the applesauce cup in the air and watching the applesauce pour out onto his tray. Stinker)


Anonymous said...

Good for Riley!! We are so happy and proud of him. Take care, Debbie and Gary

Anonymous said...

Riley, At 15 months you are always smiling and always happy. You are so full of learning too. "Mama" is so proud of you! Love you, "Mama"


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